Annual General Meeting 2024

The 2024 AGM was held on 25 June 2024.


We are a mutual, owned by you, our members, and run only for your benefit. By using your vote, you let us know what you think and have your say in what we do.

The meeting was held at Holloway House, attended by the Society Board, Management Team, staff and members of the Society.

Members were able to vote on a number of motions, as indicated in the Notice of AGM.


We are now pleased to share the following information with you.


Key Comments from the Society Chair

  • We have seen the impact of external factors on our business over the last 18 months including inflation, interest rates and costs of living, just as other firms have. In terms of what we can control ourselves however, we prioritised the needs of our members and we are committed to our business strategy – to be ‘Your Specialist Income Protection Provider’ that pays claims and bonuses.
  • We have succeeded in doing just that in 2023, with over 97% of claims paid.
  • And we have paid bonuses at the same rate as last year for the most part, we only reduced the apportionment on post 2012 memberships by 0.5%.
  • Our growth strategy supports these goals whilst ensuring that we are true to our mutual “Values” of which we are proud.
  • We have a strong financial base and so we are in a good position to weather the challenges that the future will hold.

More information from the AGM can be found in the Minutes below.



Our Financial Statements 2023

For more detailed information about our financial performance and business strategy, as well as the way we work, take a look at our Financial Statements 2023.



The Voting Results AGM 2024

We are pleased to announce voting results and the resolutions passed.



The Minutes of the AGM 2024

You can read more about the meeting and the Board of Management presentations that happened at the meeting.