Individual Income Protection

If you are visiting this page you will already have realised the importance of considering income protection insurance!

It is possible for people to overestimate the amount of State help they will receive if they are taken ill - you can find the current state benefit levels here:

So there is some provision from the State, but it is limited.

With an Individual Income Replacement Plan from Wiltshire Friendly, you can receive a payment to replace a part of your lost income should you be unable to work because of illness or an injury.  This will make sure that you are personally protected to a level that suits you.  And you could get a little bit extra too as you will see below!

  • You select the amount of cover you want
  • You choose how quickly you want your claim payments to start
  • Insure up to 65% of your regular earnings
  • From end of year two, you start to share in any surpluses the Society makes
  • Cash sums can accumulate in your plan, as and when declared by the Society at year end
  • Your cash sum can continue to accumulate, even if you claim

It’s up to you to choose a level of cover to suit your budget. Here is an example, just to show it might be more affordable than you think.

A 30-year-old non-smoker could receive a monthly income, after an initial 1 week waiting period, of £1,000 for an initial cost of £30 per month (subject to terms and conditions). That cost rises later as your age increases, though by then you will hopefully be earning more to meet that additional cost.

If this makes you interested to find out more you can read about the finer details in the documents below.  However, income protection comes with lots of options, so it’s best to talk to an adviser so they can build you a plan that’s right for you.

To find one, either contact us to talk things through or click here:

95.04% of all claims
paid in 2022

96.32% of all claims
paid 2020-2022

One final thought, if you do make the choice to protect yourself, you can be re-assured that we will be there to help you when you need our financial support.

Photo of Jon Cummings

Jon Cummings

Senior New Business Administrator 01225 756794
Photo of Jon Cummings

Jon Cummings

Senior New Business Administrator

01225 756794

Jon’s background is in the Financial Services industry working for Financial institutions.


Working with the Society since November 2016, Jon has oversight and control of all aspects of the new business processes.


Jon is a sports enthusiast, and when family life allows him to, he enjoys playing golf, football and skiing.

Photo of Kevin Forster

Kevin Forster

New Business Supervisor 01225 756787
Photo of Kevin Forster

Kevin Forster

New Business Supervisor

01225 756787

Kevin has been in Financial Services for over 25 years covering all aspects of Financial Planning, working across several FTSE 100 firms over the years. He joined the Society in March 2024.


Kevin’s main responsibility is to oversee and manage New Business at the Society.


Outside of work Kevin enjoys playing tennis & golf and watching football. He also loves the outdoors, spending many a weekend with his wife and friends walking/hiking 10k plus, either in a coastal setting or across Somerset.